The Red Sox were once held up as a model organization with intelligent model ownership but in recent years have become an organization whose operation is chaotic and dysfunctional with GM's and POBO's frequently being tossed overboard.. Even so, they do manage to put it all together and make a standalone run for a ring every three to five years before sliding back into oblivion. See, 2013, 2018 and 2021.
Yankees...Phillies also lost to them in 1950. Perhaps the third time would be a charm? And yes, the ratings would be good. Another wrinkle: Yanks were Harper's childhood favorite team and wore number 34 with the Nationals because 3+4=7 which was Mickey Mantle's number. Yet the Yankees completely passed on pursuing him in the 2018-19 offseason. The media--both inside and outside of NY--would play up that angle.
The Orioles...the ratings would not be great with the Baltimore's small market status but yes, regionally close. The questions is how many Phillies phans would find their way into Camden Yards? Would be nice to get some payback for 1983 which marked the end of the Phillies' first golden age (1974-83) while also being the capstone for the Orioles' even longer golden age (1963-83) as well.