Yeah, WIP sent people over too, but indeed, for American viewers it was just not a big event, and very much second-place to Yankees/Dodgers on both the networks. Also a quirk, the "Sunny" appearance came on what was the ESPN game rather than their own network's parent company Fox, since that was the Phillies home game. They should have just let us see the British feed!
I think there must be some kind of contractual stipulation that kept NBC from doing pre-game or post-game shows for the national broadcasts as they didn't even do that from the Philly studio.
Part of it was also the games being so early in the day I'm sure. Just not gonna get big ratings at 9am or 2pm on a Sunday. Saturday was a little more viable. Obviously it was not possible for these games to be in the more attractive spot; if it hadn't been Yankees-Dodgers Fox and ESPN still would have been promoting their night games more regardless.
The Inquirer did send one or both of their writers though.